Michael Dickens, Partner, IBACOS and Vice Chair, Housing Innovation Alliance
The leader of the Alliance’s Home Delivery channel provides an overview of the issues that will be tackled in Day Two of the 2019 Innovation Summit, along with an offer for additional online training.
- Construction is the only industry with declining labor productivity. However, that represents a great opportunity for builders who can learn to do more work with less effort and who can reduce wasted materials and labor.
- Construction is also one of the least digitized industries. This means that builders who use technology to streamline their operations will have a real competitive advantage.
- Builders who want to move towards the use of more offsite solutions will need to tackle these issues first.
Any organizational improvement needs to start with an understanding of your current productivity. That’s where Process Mapping comes in.
Michael will be offering a free online webinar on Process Mapping on June 20, 2019. Reserve your spot today. He will walk you step-by-step on how to analyze the current state of every part of the business, and how to create a plan for making each part of the business more productive.
Further Reading
Reinventing construction through a productivity revolution | McKinsey & Company | February 2017 Report