Webinar Recap: Developing a HERS-Style Comfort Rating Method

With tighter and tighter enclosures, there’s greater potential for comfort complaints, as well as risks associated with inadequate airflow and management of moisture in the air. IBACOS believes that the time has come for a more robust way to measure and quantify comfort in homes – a system similar to that of HERS.

IBACOS has taken the first step – creating a detailed sketch of what a comfort metric could look like, how it could be developed in collaboration with the industry, and how it could be implemented. Research has been supported by the Department of Energy’s Building America program. Now we need your help to take this research to the next level.

During our October webinar, we highlighted the industry need and shared a potential framework, components and development process for a comfort rating metric in housing. IBACOS is looking for input from all facets of the industry. Help us determine how feasible a comfort rating method is, and ensure that we scope the characteristics and parameters needed for its success in the market.

Watch the archive of our presentation, and reach out to Timothy Beggs or Anthony Grisolia of IBACOS with your feedback. If you didn’t participate in our polls during the live webinar, be sure to provide high level feedback through the survey link below.