Recap: Digitization 1/2 Day Event

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Digitization has changed the rules in a number of other industries – with iconic examples from Amazon (print-on-demand vs. publishing), Uber (ride sharing vs. taxi industry) and AirBnB (vacation rentals vs. hotels) to name a few. In housing, we’ve barely made a dent in digitizing the industry to more efficiently do things the way we do them today, yet new players are emerging to rethink different aspects of our business, change the rules and unlock new opportunities, efficiencies and value for housing businesses and their customers.

So, what are the opportunities if we leverage technology to redefine how we do business?

Many thanks to our facilitators, Sara Maffey of Local Logic and John Cecilian of Cecilian Partners and to our panelists, Gregg Alvarez of MyHouseby Innovations, Jennifer Hoops of Higharc, and Mike Wisnefski of MaterialsXchange.

WHAT we heard

Here are just 3 short snippets from our Panelist and Working Group Discussions. We’ll be sharing additional short clips, key takeaways and soundbites on LinkedIn, follow along and join the conversation online.

#1: Bringing Speed to Your Process

Gregg Alvarez, of MyHousby Innovations, explains how one can engage with clients at the land acquisition stage, enabling teams to sell a lot sooner, and leverage the technology and visualization tools to meet with municipalities to support entitlements and permitting. He gives an example where Meritage Homes used this to discuss permitting issues with City Council.


#2: How to Think Differently About Data

Sara asks the panelists: How should we think differently about data and the use of AI? What does it mean and how can we get the most value out of it? Jennifer Hoops and Gregg Alvarez respond in the clip below.


#3: What’s the flip side to disruption? Enabling.

Mike Wisnefski of MaterialsXchange provided thought provoking analogies throughout the event, (adding humor along the way – do you feel like a mushroom being fed BS?). Here he asks us to question where we are standing that we’re using the term “disruptive.”



Take action!

  • Join a working group -a high level group focused on thinking ahead. Where we discuss our vision of the future + emerging trends that will hit home in 10 years.
  • Contact Natalie to register after the fact at $100 per person to get the full recording + resources link or join our community and provide access to your entire team.


Member only resources

  • This was a paid event and was free to Alliance members in good standing. 
  • You can access these member-only resources, in the events section, here.