How can we best engage communities to go from NIMBY to YIMBY and accelerate acceptance of new housing models?
How can we best engage communities to go from NIMBY to YIMBY and accelerate acceptance of new housing models?
If the regulatory burden is up to 30% of housing costs, how can we better work with local, state and national government to reduce this burden?
One concept KTGY Architecture + Planning uses in its site planning and design is “exchange — You can’t just take things away to make a smaller home; you also have to give something back.”
What processes need to be improved to maximize the benefit of digitzing home design and delivery? We asked 22 thought leaders, including housing developers, regional and national builders; experts in innovation, architecture, government relations, off-site construction, marketing, recruiting and media; researchers / analysts; manufacturers and an academic. Here's what they had to say…
We asked 22 thought leaders, including housing developers and regional builders; experts in quality management and lean building, marketing and off-site construction; manufacturers; academics and a technology provider; how we can better educate lenders to enable more dynamic underwriting resulting in more diversity in housing options. Here’s what they had to say…